He always warms down after training. 他每次训练后都做放松活动。
Don't forget when you are exercising to always warm up and cool down properly to avoid injury. 别忘了锻炼时必须进行合理的热身和冷却以避免受伤。
Thus we are talking about "Down Jackets" in the "Ladies and Gents Little Classroom" today, such as why it is so warm; how to choose the right down jacket for you and how to take care of them! 对于金牛座的我来说,羽绒服不仅仅是防寒的外套,更是一个温暖的如家一般的怀抱!
When you and others warm, deep down in their hearts can have my life, in your corner flicker, silent love for you, in the bone marrow. 当你和别人温馨,心底可有我的气息,闪烁在你的角落,为你默默的疼在骨髓里。
I kept myself warm by walking up and down. 我踱来踱去以暖和身子。
The phone went off, and I was not happy to be torn from my warm down comforter and pleasant dream. 电话铃响起,我极不情愿地离开温暖的被窝和愉快的梦境。
And we're going to warm down with a tango. 我们用探戈舞步来舒缓。
The game is introduced: Warm blood soldier empty to bring down to enemy concentrate army stationed, avoid mine and various weapons that enemy bury carefully, fight the enemy more. 游戏介绍:热血战士被空降到敌人集结部队驻扎地,小心躲避敌人埋下的地雷和各种武器,多多杀敌。
Some of the secrets to injury prevention you've heard before: warm up well before climbing and warm down after; 以前你听过一些避免受伤的秘诀:攀登之前先作好热身,攀登后也要记得收身操;
Cause you know that thing, when you see someone cute and he smiles, and your heart kind of goes like warm butter sliding down hot toast. 你知道那种感觉,当你看见帅哥对你笑的时候,你的心就想讲热黄油浇在面包上一样。
Love is a fire, but whether it will warm your heart or burn your house down, you never know. 爱的熊熊烈火是温暖你的心窝呢,还是烧毁你的家园,你等着瞧。
JIT combines this with a warm up and cool down and Kawaguchi's commentary highlights the fact that the compiler has removed a redundant array index check from the fast part of the loop. JIT将其与预处理和事后分析相结合,同时Kawaguchi对此的补充也说明了这样的事实:编译器已从循环的快速执行部分当中移除了一个冗余的数组索引检查。
A warm dry wind that blows down the northern slopes of the Alps. From our position on the hillside, every detail of the landscape was clearly in view. 从阿尔卑斯山北坡吹下的温暖而干燥的风。我们从山坡上往下看,风光景物历历在目。
The warm air is from the top down, making the damp clothes on the hanger dry rapidly from the top down. 暖风从上往下,使衣架上的潮湿衣物从上至下迅速烘干;
A warm dry wind blowing down the E slopes of the Rockies. 吹过洛矶山脉东坡的暖而干的风。
He could feel the warm blood pouring down his face. 他可以感觉到热呼呼的血正顺着自己的脸往下流。
A warm bath will calm you down. 洗个热水澡会使你平静下来。
When Header Xie felt warm, his tears and snot came down. 谢队长烤暖和了,眼泪鼻涕流了出来。
The total run can vary depending on how long a warm up and cool down you do. Remember, it is designed to be a continuous run with faster and slower paces, so don't stop during this speed training run. 记住,法特莱克是一种具有快配速和慢配速的连续跑,因此,在这个速度训练跑过程中,请您别停下来。
In the waves of warm applause, she bowed to step down over and over, a one-trick is all style. 在一阵阵热烈的掌声中,她唱完鞠躬下台,一招一式很有大家风范。
I am warm and cheerful, down to earth, passionate and full of energy, and I have a high work efficiency as well as a very serious and responsible attitude towards work. 为人热情开朗,脚踏实地,有激情有冲劲,做事效率高。做事认真有责任心。
The snow lies warm as cotton or down upon the window-sill; 万籁无声,雪厚厚地堆着,窗槛上像是铺了温暖的棉花;
As father was wanted and picked up the phone, I just said "No worry, daddy, I am OK," However, there was a warm torrent surging up and down inside, a lump in throat, tears swirling in eyes. 等到父亲“不情愿”的接起电话,虽然我嘴上只是结结巴巴的说了几句“我挺好的,您别操心”之类的面儿上话。
Stop your session and begin your warm down when your muscles have lost their "snap". 当肌肉疲劳时,就应该结束训练,并开始进行收身运动。
Don't forget to warm up and cool down for intervals. 别忘了间歇训练的热身跑和冷身跑。
Pigs need warmth, and it was warm and comfortable down there in the barn cellar on the south side. 猪需要温暖,而身处仓库地窖朝南的一面肯定既温暖又舒适。
The fartlek can be a difficult workout, and if you don't warm up and cool down, you could have some very sore muscles the next day. 由于法特莱克强度大,如果不进行热身和冷身,您隔天可能会肌肉酸痛。
But baby your love is so warm it makes my shield melt down, And everytime were both at war, You make me come around. 但宝贝你的爱是那么温暖它使我的盾熔化,而且,每一次都是在战争中,你让我来到我的身边。
Warm agents can cut down the compaction temperature, while achieve higher compactness than hot mix asphalt mixture. 温拌剂的加入可以使沥青混合料在降低压实温度的同时,达到甚至超过热拌沥青混合料的压实度。